Governing Post-Winter Olympic Games Legacies von Jinsu Byun | Salt Lake City 2002, Vancouver 2010, PyeongChang 2018 | ISBN 9789819730100

Governing Post-Winter Olympic Games Legacies

Salt Lake City 2002, Vancouver 2010, PyeongChang 2018

von Jinsu Byun, Becca Leopkey und Mathew Dowling
Autor / AutorinJinsu Byun
Autor / AutorinBecca Leopkey
Autor / AutorinMathew Dowling
Buchcover Governing Post-Winter Olympic Games Legacies | Jinsu Byun | EAN 9789819730100 | ISBN 981-9730-10-4 | ISBN 978-981-9730-10-0

Governing Post-Winter Olympic Games Legacies

Salt Lake City 2002, Vancouver 2010, PyeongChang 2018

von Jinsu Byun, Becca Leopkey und Mathew Dowling
Autor / AutorinJinsu Byun
Autor / AutorinBecca Leopkey
Autor / AutorinMathew Dowling

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of post-Games legacy governance including stakeholder relationships, institutional conditions, and policy environments, while also empirically exploring the modes of governance employed by select cases of the Winter Olympic Games. This work offers insights to help practitioners develop and manage the governance of legacy more effectively. Theoretical and methodological implications, as well as future avenues of research are suggested.