Wireless Sensor Networks von Senchun Chai | ISBN 9789811557590

Wireless Sensor Networks

von Senchun Chai, Zhaoyang Wang, Baihai Zhang, Lingguo Cui und Runqi Chai
Autor / AutorinSenchun Chai
Autor / AutorinZhaoyang Wang
Autor / AutorinBaihai Zhang
Autor / AutorinLingguo Cui
Autor / AutorinRunqi Chai
Buchcover Wireless Sensor Networks | Senchun Chai | EAN 9789811557590 | ISBN 981-15-5759-4 | ISBN 978-981-15-5759-0

Wireless Sensor Networks

von Senchun Chai, Zhaoyang Wang, Baihai Zhang, Lingguo Cui und Runqi Chai
Autor / AutorinSenchun Chai
Autor / AutorinZhaoyang Wang
Autor / AutorinBaihai Zhang
Autor / AutorinLingguo Cui
Autor / AutorinRunqi Chai
This book presents state-of-the-art research advances in the field of wireless sensor networks systems and approaches. It provides in-depth study on a number of major topics such as protocols, localization, coverage control, community detection, small world analysis, etc. Multidisciplinary in nature and closely integrating theory and practice, the book will be of interest to all university researchers, telecommunications engineers and graduate students in wireless sensor networks who wish to learn the core principles, methods, algorithms, and applications. It would help readers rapidly grasp major topics of wireless sensor network and their advances.