Galloping Instability to Chaos of Cables von Albert C. J. Luo | ISBN 9789811052415

Galloping Instability to Chaos of Cables

von Albert C. J. Luo und Bo Yu
Autor / AutorinAlbert C. J. Luo
Autor / AutorinBo Yu
Buchcover Galloping Instability to Chaos of Cables | Albert C. J. Luo | EAN 9789811052415 | ISBN 981-10-5241-7 | ISBN 978-981-10-5241-5

Galloping Instability to Chaos of Cables

von Albert C. J. Luo und Bo Yu
Autor / AutorinAlbert C. J. Luo
Autor / AutorinBo Yu

This book provides students and researchers with a systematic solution for fluid-induced structural vibrations, galloping instability and the chaos of cables. They will also gain a better understanding of stable and unstable periodic motions and chaos in fluid-induced structural vibrations. Further, the results presented here will help engineers effectively design and analyze fluid-induced vibrations.