Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders | ISBN 9789048149612

Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders

herausgegeben von J. Rispens, T.A. van Yperen und W. Yule
Herausgegeben vonJ. Rispens
Herausgegeben vonT.A. van Yperen
Herausgegeben vonW. Yule
Buchcover Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders  | EAN 9789048149612 | ISBN 90-481-4961-4 | ISBN 978-90-481-4961-2

Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders

herausgegeben von J. Rispens, T.A. van Yperen und W. Yule
Herausgegeben vonJ. Rispens
Herausgegeben vonT.A. van Yperen
Herausgegeben vonW. Yule
Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders is an up-to-date review of the controversy surrounding the classification of such disparate disorders as reading, spelling, writing, and language disorders. Severe and specific impairments in these functions do exist and appear to follow a developmental course. How to identify children presenting with such problems and how to operationalize the disorders has long challenged professionals. This text grew from an international symposium held in the Netherlands, but all chapters have been specially prepared for the publication. Described in the foreword by Sir Michael Rutter, FRS, as ` ... thoughtful and well informed discussions ... that may serve as a basis for a problem-solving set of both research strategies and practical steps that will ensure real resolutions of the dilemmas outlined here', the text should serve as a stimulating source for debate of the many issues involved.