Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning von Peter Nijkamp | ISBN 9789048143535

Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning

von Peter Nijkamp und E.W. Blaas
Autor / AutorinPeter Nijkamp
Autor / AutorinE.W. Blaas
Buchcover Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning | Peter Nijkamp | EAN 9789048143535 | ISBN 90-481-4353-5 | ISBN 978-90-481-4353-5

Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning

von Peter Nijkamp und E.W. Blaas
Autor / AutorinPeter Nijkamp
Autor / AutorinE.W. Blaas

Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning contains a refreshing approach to transportation planning by integrating impact analysis and evaluation methodology. It is original in that impact assessment and evaluation are brought together in a coherent framework. It is novel in the history of transportation science and particularly suitable as a pedagogical text, since methodologies are illustrated with various case studies and examples. It is particularly suitable for practitioners and students who want to become acquainted with conflict analysis and plan/project evaluation in the area of transportation planning.