System Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches
Volume 2 Knowledge-Based and Fault-Tolerant Techniques Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches, Island of Rhodes, Greece, August 31–September 3, 1986
herausgegeben von S.G. Tzafestas, Madan Singh und Günther SchmidtInhaltsverzeichnis
- 1: Knowledge-Based Fault Diagnosis, Simulation, Supervision and Control.
- 1. A look at the knowledge-based approach to system fault diagnosis and supervisory control.
- 2. Reasoning from structure and behavior: Towards a methodology.
- 3. What happened? Causal reasoning in DIVA.
- 4. FRaHM: Framework for reasoning about hierarchical/multi-vues models.
- 5. A theorem prover as a fault diagnostic tool.
- 6. Attribute grammars as a knowledge-based diagnostic tool.
- 7. EIDEMON: An expert system for industrial equipment maintenance.
- 8. An expert system design using cause-effect representations and simulation for fault detection.
- 9. RELSHELL: An expert system shell for fault diagnosis.
- 10. An expert system design for fault diagnosis in electrochemical operations: A qualitative approach.
- 11. Error recovery using attribute grammars.
- 12. Error detection and correction in linguistic representation of ECG waveforms.
- 13. THESEE: A knowledge-based system for test pattern generation.
- 14. Knowledge-based process monitoring and failure detection applied to gas transmission networks.
- 15. Design and test of an expert process controller based on human operator’s knowledge and mental skills.
- 16. Parallel simulation techniques as kernel of a decision support system for control of large gas transmission networks.
- 17. The batch selection by a Prolog rule base of objects on a conveyor for paint spraying.
- 18. Structural symbolic simulator of digital systems.
- 19. Design of an interlaboratory network for fault detection in industrial production processes.
- 20. RUBRIC: A rule based approach to the development of reliable information systems.
- 21. A method of data protection for large scale business computer systems.
- 22. A new approach to perturbation analysis for manufacturing schedulingproblems.
- 2: Fault-Tolerant, Self-Checking and other Digital Techniques.
- 1. On an adaptable pipeline architecture with fault tolerance capabilities.
- 2. A fault tolerant dynamic RAM memory system.
- 3. Towards fault tolerant real-time process control system.
- 4. On the configuration of fault tolerant distributed process control systems.
- 5. Efficient design of totally self-checking checkers for all separate low-cost arithmetic codes.
- 6. Towards concurrently totally self-checking microprogram control units.
- 7. Further results of the performance of a double loop computer network under fault conditions.
- 8. Recovery assessment after microprocessor system transient disturbances.
- 9. A functional simulation of a pipelined multiprocessor coding system using PETRI-nets.
- 10. Experimental device for IC testing.
- 11. Fault diagnostics and SFT analysis in intelligent flowmeters.