Taller vertical 08/09 | A game in a place / Un juego en un lugar | ISBN 9788493849313

Taller vertical 08/09

A game in a place / Un juego en un lugar

Sonstige MitwirkungCarme Pinós
Sonstige MitwirkungCarlos Ferrater
Sonstige MitwirkungEmilio Tuñón
Sonstige MitwirkungLuís Moreno Mansilla
Buchcover Taller vertical 08/09  | EAN 9788493849313 | ISBN 84-938493-1-6 | ISBN 978-84-938493-1-3
Architekten, Designer, Fachpublikum

Taller vertical 08/09

A game in a place / Un juego en un lugar

Sonstige MitwirkungCarme Pinós
Sonstige MitwirkungCarlos Ferrater
Sonstige MitwirkungEmilio Tuñón
Sonstige MitwirkungLuís Moreno Mansilla
At the 2008 Taller Vertical, location was the centre of reflection: location being understood as the game board but also as the space where action took place. This Workshop became a huge space to experiment with geometry and spatial relations. What's more, we turned the School into an enormous workshop of 1:1 scale models and students were asked to develop their ideas until attaining a perfectly-completed example of the game. At the 2009 Taller Vertical, attention was focused on sociability, in other words the bonds or relationships that are formed between people as a result of games. Students were asked to explain their proposals in a video lasting 3-4 minutes. The sociability of playing games, with their rules and aims, had to be displayed in a format that was new for the majority of students, which made them think about the game according to the explanatory support material, in this case video, until often turning it into yet another element of the proposal.