Behind Closed Curtains von Lena Späth | Interior Design in Iran | ISBN 9788461797790

Behind Closed Curtains

Interior Design in Iran

von Lena Späth
Buchcover Behind Closed Curtains | Lena Späth | EAN 9788461797790 | ISBN 84-617-9779-5 | ISBN 978-84-617-9779-0

Behind Closed Curtains

Interior Design in Iran

von Lena Späth
For those who got inspired by Justina Blakeney’s The New Bohemians and traveled with TASCHEN through the world’s best homes comes here something unseen. Peek inside the houses of artists, entrepreneurs, and architects in barely known and mysterious Iran.
With vibrant pictures, Behind Closed Curtains: Interior Design in Iran opens the doors to 16 homes all over the country and shows what makes Iranian design and architecture so unique. Along the 304 pages, readers get to know the country, people, and stories behind the often closed curtains. Iran has one of the longest urban design history dating back more than 4,000 years. Persian builders and architects were employed for the construction of Babylon and the Taj Mahal.
No matter if a designer is looking for inspiration or a traveler planning a trip to Iran, this book is the perfect introduction.