Typography for Screen | Type in Motion | ISBN 9788417084134

Typography for Screen

Type in Motion

herausgegeben von Shaoqiang Wang
Buchcover Typography for Screen  | EAN 9788417084134 | ISBN 84-17084-13-4 | ISBN 978-84-17084-13-4
Grafikdesigner, Grafikdesignstudenten, Webpagedesigner

Typography for Screen

Type in Motion

herausgegeben von Shaoqiang Wang
Typography for Screen introduces various creative projects of typography for the digital screen, such as motion graphics, webpage design, and conceptual experiments. This book explores typographic application in visual and information hierarchies within the digital screen environment. Meanwhile, exclusive interviews in this book integrate different knowledge and design philosophies from the outstanding studios and designers, a true inspiration for designers and students. It includes QR codes with the links to the projects by the designers.