Joaquín Sorolla Religion von Cristina Berna | ISBN 9788413265087

Joaquín Sorolla Religion

von Cristina Berna und Eric Thomsen
Autor / AutorinCristina Berna
Autor / AutorinEric Thomsen
Buchcover Joaquín Sorolla Religion | Cristina Berna | EAN 9788413265087 | ISBN 84-1326-508-8 | ISBN 978-84-1326-508-7

Joaquín Sorolla Religion

von Cristina Berna und Eric Thomsen
Autor / AutorinCristina Berna
Autor / AutorinEric Thomsen
Joaquín Sorolla (born in Valencia 1863 - died in Cercedilla 1923) is one of the most successful Spanish painters ever. He was a genius in capturing the essence of the scene he was painting.
Joaquín Sorolla was a proud Catholic that believed in Christian values like hard work, providing for your descendants and mercy. Sorolla painted many religious work but is better known for his wonderful beach scenes full of light, his intense portraits and breathtaking landscapes.
He lived while photography was being invented and popularized. Some of his breathtaking beach scenes show how he was familiar with and employed similar techniques as the photographer. His landscapes are a great introduction to Spanish history.