Smart Cat Graded Chinese Reader L1: Hallo China von Xiao Ningyao | (Chinesische Ausgabe) | ISBN 9787561945780

Smart Cat Graded Chinese Reader L1: Hallo China

(Chinesische Ausgabe)

von Xiao Ningyao, herausgegeben von BLCUP Beijing Language and Culture University Press, aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von Patrick Moore
Buchcover Smart Cat Graded Chinese Reader L1: Hallo China | Xiao Ningyao | EAN 9787561945780 | ISBN 7-5619-4578-7 | ISBN 978-7-5619-4578-0
Innenansicht 1

Smart Cat Graded Chinese Reader L1: Hallo China

(Chinesische Ausgabe)

von Xiao Ningyao, herausgegeben von BLCUP Beijing Language and Culture University Press, aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von Patrick Moore
Smart Cat - Graded Chinese Readers (Level 1): Hello, China!
It was the first time Martin had been to China. Martin visited Shanghai, Chengdu and Beijing. What he had never thought of happened?
„SmartCat - Graded Chinese Readers“ is a set of graded Chinese readers specialized in young Chinese learner (10 to 18 years old), with the entire series divided into four levels. The design is to learn the language as a whole. Under the guidance of teachers, learners take„reading“as a breakthrough point, and then expand their „listening“,„speaking“,„writing“,„playing“and other skills.
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