Three Word Primer in English Rhyme with Illustrations von Zhao Yanchun | Drei-Zeichen-Klassiker (in englischem Reim mit Illustrationen) | ISBN 9787040483567

Three Word Primer in English Rhyme with Illustrations

Drei-Zeichen-Klassiker (in englischem Reim mit Illustrationen)

von Zhao Yanchun, illustriert von Zhang Shenshen, herausgegeben von HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS, aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von Zhao Yanchun
Buchcover Three Word Primer in English Rhyme with Illustrations | Zhao Yanchun | EAN 9787040483567 | ISBN 7-04-048356-4 | ISBN 978-7-04-048356-7
Innenansicht 1

Three Word Primer in English Rhyme with Illustrations

Drei-Zeichen-Klassiker (in englischem Reim mit Illustrationen)

von Zhao Yanchun, illustriert von Zhang Shenshen, herausgegeben von HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS, aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von Zhao Yanchun
Considering the three standards of pictograph, ideograph and phonology which are used to measure the aesthetic of translation, the book initiates „three words metre“ to present the best Three Character Primer with English rhymes. Owing to the misunderstanding of brilliant and gorgeous Chinese culture and the restriction because Chinese and English separately belong to Sino-Tibetan languages and Indo-European languages, the previous translations either have less flexible and smooth semantic paraphrase, or have errors in historical facts. Even if the translations consider both flexible paraphrase and true presentation of historical facts, they may lack the comprehensive consideration of pictograph, ideograph and phonology. Three Character Primer with English rhymes creates a new translation way of using three English words in correspondence with three Chinese characters and orderly „aabb“ rhythmic modes after the author spends three years researching and studying, which allows the translation closer to the writing type and language style of Chinese Three Character Primer.
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