Shin Nihongo no Kiso I: Drill C Conversation Illustration Sheets | Drill C Konversation-Abbildungsblätter 2 | ISBN 9784906224791

Shin Nihongo no Kiso I: Drill C Conversation Illustration Sheets

Drill C Konversation-Abbildungsblätter 2

Buchcover Shin Nihongo no Kiso I:  Drill C Conversation Illustration Sheets  | EAN 9784906224791 | ISBN 4-906224-79-2 | ISBN 978-4-906224-79-1

Shin Nihongo no Kiso I: Drill C Conversation Illustration Sheets

Drill C Konversation-Abbildungsblätter 2

Made for the effective practice of the conversation and Drill C found in each lesson of the main texts, these short cartoon strips act as a visual aid to reinforce and give greater meaning to what the student is learning. A great teaching aid.