Ancient Chinese Architecture / Imperial Gardens von Liyao Cheng | ISBN 9783990432327

Ancient Chinese Architecture / Imperial Gardens

von Liyao Cheng, übersetzt von L. Zhang
Buchcover Ancient Chinese Architecture / Imperial Gardens | Liyao Cheng | EAN 9783990432327 | ISBN 3-99043-232-X | ISBN 978-3-99043-232-7

Ancient Chinese Architecture / Imperial Gardens

von Liyao Cheng, übersetzt von L. Zhang


* Photographs: Beihai; Zhonghai-Nanhai; Summer Palace; Yuanmingyuan Garden; Summer Resort at Chengde. * Text: The Embryonic Form and Later Development of Chinese Gardens. A Gradual Metamorphosis from Primitive Hunting Grounds to Exquisite Resorts for Enjoyment.- The Period of Ultimate Splendour. The Quing Dynasty Gardens, Culmination of Imperial Garden Architecture.- Appendix.- Notes to Photographs.- Maps.