Kein Witz, No Joke | ISBN 9783964360397

Kein Witz, No Joke

Künstler / KünstlerinRuth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Künstler / KünstlerinSophie Reinhold
Buchcover Kein Witz, No Joke  | EAN 9783964360397 | ISBN 3-96436-039-2 | ISBN 978-3-96436-039-7

Kein Witz, No Joke

Künstler / KünstlerinRuth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Künstler / KünstlerinSophie Reinhold
Kein Witz, No Joke is published on the occasion of the same name exhibition at Kunstverein Reutlingen in 2019. It combines paintings and objects by Sophie Reinhold with the “Typewritings” of Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt as it was presented in the show. As different as the artists may be, their works share a manic perseverance, precision, and subversive humor.