Hyun-Sook Song von Carsten Probst | ISBN 9783960987482

Hyun-Sook Song

von Carsten Probst
Buchcover Hyun-Sook Song | Carsten Probst | EAN 9783960987482 | ISBN 3-96098-748-X | ISBN 978-3-96098-748-2

Hyun-Sook Song

von Carsten Probst
This book gives an overview of the recent works of Hyun-Sook Song In her work she gives voice to the nostalgic memories of her beloved motherland; she developed both a very distinctive style and a technique which blends elements from the West and the East. Song sees painting as a performative happening in which the movement of the brush is the essence of her work as well as the ultimate proof of her inner feelings.