Potential with handball - Free-throws von Jörg Madinger | Playing variants in free-throw situations | ISBN 9783956412707

Potential with handball - Free-throws

Playing variants in free-throw situations

von Jörg Madinger und Felix Linden
Autor / AutorinJörg Madinger
Autor / AutorinFelix Linden
Buchcover Potential with handball - Free-throws | Jörg Madinger | EAN 9783956412707 | ISBN 3-95641-270-2 | ISBN 978-3-95641-270-7
Autorenvorstellung 1
Autorenbild 1

Potential with handball - Free-throws

Playing variants in free-throw situations

von Jörg Madinger und Felix Linden
Autor / AutorinJörg Madinger
Autor / AutorinFelix Linden
“Potential with handball – Free-throws” is the third topic Felix Linden, 2nd national handball league coach at HSG Krefeld, highlights for the handball-uebungen. de series. Felix Linden sees a lot of potential with free-throw situations – either through direct shots or subsequent playing variants – that is not yet taken full advantage of.
In this book, Felix Linden highlights free-throws in various game situations.
Following some general preparatory exercises in the first chapter, the second chapter focuses on the fact that the defense players have to keep a distance of three meters to the attacking player carrying out the free-throw. After the free-throw has been carried out by passing the ball out of the block, the attacking players have to put pressure on the defense immediately. Subsequently, the players’ decision-making behavior will be highlighted, as it is of essential importance for successful shots at the goal.
In the chapters 3 and 4, the players develop specific variants that particularly focus on free-throw situations with a forewarning signal for passive play and a limited number of passes left.
Following this, there is a chapter with fixed sequences that can be used immediately after a free-throw. The players should take advantage of the fact that they can create specific playing situations through smart positioning of the attacking players.
The last chapter deals with practicing free-throws in the training environment and adapting closing games in such a way that the free-throw variants can be implemented in almost real-game situations.
Category 1: Basic exercises Category 2: Free-throw and putting pressure on the defense immediately by a back player Category 3: Free-throws with a quick subsequent shot at the goal (forewarning signal for passive play– 2 to 3 passes left) Category 4: Free-throw with subsequent shot at the goal (forewarning signal for passive play – 1 pass left) Category 5: Free-throws with predefined subsequent opening action Category 6: Training of free-throw variants in game situations