Dancing with Change von Eric Lynn | Cultivating Healthy Organisations | ISBN 9783949056000

Dancing with Change

Cultivating Healthy Organisations

von Eric Lynn
Buchcover Dancing with Change | Eric Lynn | EAN 9783949056000 | ISBN 3-949056-00-9 | ISBN 978-3-949056-00-0
Managers, Leaders, Consultants, Employees, Civil Society Leaders, Corporate Executives

Dancing with Change

Cultivating Healthy Organisations

von Eric Lynn
The focus of this book is Change. It is also Organisation and Society Health. These two notions are so intricately intertwined that they are inseparable in the context of living communities. Change is possibly the most broadly misunderstood concept in society at large, and particularly in organisational life. Misunderstandings about the nature of change frequently lead to corporate and organisational initiatives that not only fail to meet their intentions, they may well actually cause more harm than good. If you are a leader in any kind of organisation, I imagine this is something you would like to change. … You can.
• What do you understand by “Change”? • Why are Change … and … Organisation and Society Health inseparable? • Do you ever feel that there’s “something”, undefinable, missing in the life of your organisation? • Which illusions pervade our life, leading us into the same traps over and over again … and what is their origin? • Why do we need to look beyond management literature to understand organisation change? • How can we work with Organisation Health as a holistic phenomenon? • How can we Cultivate Healthy Thriving Organisations?
If these Questions appeal to you, do feel free to step into the dynamic of life, while … Dancing with Change … Nature’s patterns determine that we ought to be thriving. We’re not. We can change this. There is no better time than now.