Bows and Arrows Blowpipes and Spears of Oceania - Supplementary Volume von Hendrik Wiethase | (and the Malay Archipelago) | ISBN 9783948396121

Bows and Arrows Blowpipes and Spears of Oceania - Supplementary Volume

(and the Malay Archipelago)

von Hendrik Wiethase
Buchcover Bows and Arrows Blowpipes and Spears of Oceania - Supplementary Volume | Hendrik Wiethase | EAN 9783948396121 | ISBN 3-948396-12-4 | ISBN 978-3-948396-12-1
Leseprobe 1

Bows and Arrows Blowpipes and Spears of Oceania - Supplementary Volume

(and the Malay Archipelago)

von Hendrik Wiethase
This supplement to the previous book „Arrows, Bows, Blowpipes and Spears of Oceania“ became necessary for several reasons. On the one hand, a version extended with the content developed here would overwhelm or overcharge most readers with its enormous wealth, on the other hand it turned out that the length of this supplement to the book has assumed a length that exceeds 720 pages all together. A one-volume, expanded edition would make the already weighty book too heavy and voluminous.
Nevertheless, the contents of this supplementary volume seem to me to be too important and informative for the interested collector and lover of the topic to do without it entirely.
Particular attention should be paid to the excerpts on the subject from Biró‘s two books on Berlinhafen and Astrolabe Bay and those by Felix Speiser, Le Roux and Nevermann. All of them are important sources in this field.
In the present supplement, the page numbers are provided consecutively to the first book starting with 419, so that the page numbers in the registers are not confusing. These registers with the additions are attached and thus apply to the entire work.
Further maps are also attached to this supplementary volume.