GO REMOTE! for technical & business minds von Bea Uhlenberg | How to work location independent & start living a fulfilling life.: With proven strategies from successful remote workers | ISBN 9783947824267

GO REMOTE! for technical & business minds

How to work location independent & start living a fulfilling life.: With proven strategies from successful remote workers

von Bea Uhlenberg und Jan C. Ollig
Autor / AutorinBea Uhlenberg
Autor / AutorinJan C. Ollig
Buchcover GO REMOTE! for technical & business minds | Bea Uhlenberg | EAN 9783947824267 | ISBN 3-947824-26-2 | ISBN 978-3-947824-26-7

GO REMOTE! for technical & business minds

How to work location independent & start living a fulfilling life.: With proven strategies from successful remote workers

von Bea Uhlenberg und Jan C. Ollig
Autor / AutorinBea Uhlenberg
Autor / AutorinJan C. Ollig
Work from anywhere in the world in a job you love! Do you love the commercial side of business, have an affinity for numbers or a talent for tech? Are you looking for a job that fulfills you and allows you to work remotely? You want more flexibility and freedom in your life. You want to be the boss of your workplace and schedule. Do not look any further.
Be inspired by real-life people who already live a remote lifestyle and love every minute of it. In 25 exclusive interviews, these people reveal to you how they got started, what they do to make money online, and how long it took them to earn their first $1,000 with their remote jobs. Moreover, you are provided with a handy starter tool kit that contains carefully selected tools to boost your entry to the world of remote work.
Choose your preferred remote job from over 35 professions and embark on a career that is independent of your location. GO REMOTE! for technical & business minds is perfect for you if you want to start your own business, become a freelancer, or want to work in a salaried position for a remote company with a distributed team.
Gone are those never-ending office days. Say goodbye to traffic jams and unnecessary commuting. Living a location-independent life means being as free and self-determined as possible. Why not explore the Brazilian rain forest over winter, or travel to Thailand to enjoy its beautiful beaches? Why not work from the comfort of your cozy home and spend more time with your family that you otherwise see only on weekends?
With the right kind of job and a good strategy, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility that is real. Why wait any longer? Take your first step now and gain control over your life!