South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Perspectives | ISBN 9783946851141

South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Perspectives

Buchcover South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Perspectives  | EAN 9783946851141 | ISBN 3-946851-14-2 | ISBN 978-3-946851-14-1

South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Perspectives

The SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law • Series of Papers 2018 encompasses ten papers from academic staff and junior researchers from the law faculties in Belgrade, Niš, Osijek, Podgorica, Skopje, Tirana and Zenica. This issue covers a broad variety of topics and illustrates the wide range of subjects con-nected to European and International Law. Particular topics in this volume discuss various civil and economic laws from a European perspective, including civil law harmonisation, tort law and transna-tional trade law, to name a few. Also addressed are a series of ‘hot topics’, such as regulation of unmanned aircrafts (drones) and the Bitcoin.