Particle Physics 2018 | Highlights and Annual Report | ISBN 9783945931240

Particle Physics 2018

Highlights and Annual Report

herausgegeben von Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY
Buchcover Particle Physics 2018  | EAN 9783945931240 | ISBN 3-945931-24-X | ISBN 978-3-945931-24-0

Particle Physics 2018

Highlights and Annual Report

herausgegeben von Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY
Belle II, ATLAS and CMS, ALPS, the DAF, the DESY II Test Beam Facility – all the ingredients of DESY’s experimental programme in particle physics flourished productively in 2018, and with the DESY-2030 strategy process behind us, we are also well equipped for the future.