yogamade. von Alexandra Eckardt | THE JOURNAL | ISBN 9783944883113



von Alexandra Eckardt
Buchcover yogamade. | Alexandra Eckardt | EAN 9783944883113 | ISBN 3-944883-11-X | ISBN 978-3-944883-11-3
yoga - Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene



von Alexandra Eckardt
Yoga feels like magic to me.
Yoga can give so much - in daily life and to our personal growth. We simply allow
ourselves to open up and to carefully listen to ourselves and to what lies within us
along the journey.
As a yogi myself, and as a yoga teacher, I am so grateful for all of the inspiration I find
every time I'm on my yoga mat. Unfortunately, we always tend to rush back into our
daily lives far too quickly. After the class we step out of the door and boom - our mind
is focused on what's next and what to do next.
Far too quickly the beauty of it, the essence, the epiphanies and the magic just slips
into the far corner of our consciousness.
This is how the journal “yogamade.” was born.
yogamade. is your companion who reminds you to push the stop button and to use
those precious moments after your yoga session - at home, in the studio,
with a cup of tea or somewhere in between.
yogamade. was created to help keep the most important discoveries and experiences
from your time on the mat. It`s deliberately been kept fairly short and focused
to save you time.
The simple, repeating questions will help you reflect on what touched you most.
You can put your feelings into words so that you can recall and remember them
anytime you want.
Finally, you can choose an affirmation that will help you to internalize your most inner
thoughts. Affirmations are simple, clear and positive short sentences. By repeating
them you remind yourself of your intention and over time you will develop new beliefs,
more trust and selflove. Choose what feels right and repeat your affirmation as often as
you like, for example in the morning and the evening, maybe even with a smile on your
face, in front of a mirror.
The following empty pages invite you to write down your thoughts and feelings. Let
them flow so they can bring your discoveries to life. In the process you can observe,
deepen and reflect on your intentions.
Isn't that exiting?!
Over time you will develop a treasure chest of memories of your own yoga path.
You'll get a documentary of your journey, which will allow you to look back
on your magical yoga moments.
Trust the process, bit by bit. Try to concentrate on the feelings you have in that very
moment, not the final goal. It's your way. Go with it.
Choose yogamade. as your close friend to support you on your very own yoga journey.