Fuck America von Edgar Hilsenrath | Bronsky's Confession | ISBN 9783943334241

Fuck America

Bronsky's Confession

von Edgar Hilsenrath, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Peter Stenberg
Buchcover Fuck America | Edgar Hilsenrath | EAN 9783943334241 | ISBN 3-943334-24-4 | ISBN 978-3-943334-24-1

Fuck America

Bronsky's Confession

von Edgar Hilsenrath, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Peter Stenberg
“If you, Jakob Bronsky, meet a girl like that, she’s going to ask herself: Who is this Jakob Bronsky? … What does Jakob Bronsky know about the American way of life? Does Jakob Bronsky know that success is the only thing that counts? Is he the kind of guy who gets ahead no matter what and still believes in God Almighty? Does he know that our world is an ideal one? … Is he familiar with the ideals of our forefathers who, back then, arrived on our shores on the first ship, the Mayflower? And what does he think of Coca-Cola culture?”
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