Advances in Data Mining, Poster Proceedings | 15th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2015, Hamburg, Germany, July 2015 | ISBN 9783942952354

Advances in Data Mining, Poster Proceedings

15th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2015, Hamburg, Germany, July 2015

von Petra Perner
Buchcover Advances in Data Mining, Poster Proceedings  | EAN 9783942952354 | ISBN 3-942952-35-1 | ISBN 978-3-942952-35-4
Medicine, agriculture, security

Advances in Data Mining, Poster Proceedings

15th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2015, Hamburg, Germany, July 2015

von Petra Perner
The fivtinth event of the Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM was held in
Hamburg (www. data-mining-forum. de) running under the umbrella of the World Congress “The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis, DSA 2015” (www. worldcongressdsa. com).
After the peer-review process, we accepted 16 high-quality papers for oral presentation.
The topics range from theoretical aspects of data mining to applications of data
mining, such as in multimedia data, in marketing, in medicine and agriculture, and in
process control, industry and society. Extended versions of selected papers will appear
in the International Journal Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining
(www. ibai-publishing. org/journal/mldm).
In all, 10 papers were selected for poster presentations and six for industry paper
presentations that are published in the ICDM Poster and Industry Proceeding by ibaipublishing (www. ibai-publishing. org).
In conjunction with ICDM, three workshops were run focusing on special hot application-
oriented topics in data mining: the Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (CBRMD),
Data Mining in Marketing (DMM), and I-Business to Manufacturing and Lifesciences
(B2ML). All workshop papers are published in the workshop proceedings by
ibai-publishing house (www. ibai-publishing. org).
A tutorial on Data Mining, a tutorial on Case-Based Reasoning, a tutorial on Intelligent
Image Interpretation and Computer Vision in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry
& Food Industry, and a tutorial on Standardization in Immunofluorescence were held
before the conference.
We were pleased to give out the best paper award for ICDM for the sevens time this
year. There are three announcements mentioned at www. data-mining-forum. de. The
final decision was made by the Best Paper Award Committee based on the presentation
by the authors and the discussion with the auditorium. The ceremony took place during
the conference. This prize is sponsored by ibai solutions (www. ibai-solutions. de), one
of the leading companies in data mining for marketing, web mining and e-commerce.
We would like to thank all reviewers for their highly professional work and their
effort in reviewing the papers.
We also thank the members of the Institute of Applied Computer Sciences, Leipzig,
Germany (www. ibai-institut. de), who handled the conference as secretariat. We appreciate the help and understanding of the editorial staff at Springer Verlag, and in particular Alfred Hofmann, who supported the publication of these proceedings in the LNAI series.