The response of the corona to different spatial distributions of heat input von Tijmen van Wettum | ISBN 9783942171762

The response of the corona to different spatial distributions of heat input

von Tijmen van Wettum
Buchcover The response of the corona to different spatial distributions of heat input | Tijmen van Wettum | EAN 9783942171762 | ISBN 3-942171-76-7 | ISBN 978-3-942171-76-2

The response of the corona to different spatial distributions of heat input

von Tijmen van Wettum
In this work we examine the response of the corona as a result of different heating spatial heating distribution. For this purpose we employ 3D MHD models of a downscaled active region in the solar atmosphere. In two sets of experiments we change the coronal heating distribution and investigate the change in dynamics by looking at the synthetic emission and Doppler-shifts. In the first set we increased or decreased the strength magnetic field at the bottom. In the second set of experiments we replaced heating by Ohmic dissipation with two different parametrized forms of the heating. The stronger magnetic field leads to very different observed Doppler shift patters as a function of formation temperature, We find that the different heating distributions give similar coronae in terms of the emissions structures. However, when investigating the dynamics in the form of the Doppler-shifts we find that the different heating distributions have a clear distinct pattern. This allows future work to explore a wider range of heating distribution to investigate which suggested heating mechanism is the most likely.