Monetary Transmission Right from the Start: The (Dis)Connection Between the Money Market and the ECB's Main Refinancing Rates von Puriya Abbassi | ISBN 9783941240193

Monetary Transmission Right from the Start: The (Dis)Connection Between the Money Market and the ECB's Main Refinancing Rates

von Puriya Abbassi und Dieter Nautz
Autor / AutorinPuriya Abbassi
Autor / AutorinDieter Nautz
Buchcover Monetary Transmission Right from the Start: The (Dis)Connection Between the Money Market and the ECB's Main Refinancing Rates | Puriya Abbassi | EAN 9783941240193 | ISBN 3-941240-19-6 | ISBN 978-3-941240-19-3

Monetary Transmission Right from the Start: The (Dis)Connection Between the Money Market and the ECB's Main Refinancing Rates

von Puriya Abbassi und Dieter Nautz
Autor / AutorinPuriya Abbassi
Autor / AutorinDieter Nautz