Ghosts at the Castle! von Peter Morris | Reader | ISBN 9783940606044

Ghosts at the Castle!


von Peter Morris, herausgegeben von Christoph Jaffke
Buchcover Ghosts at the Castle! | Peter Morris | EAN 9783940606044 | ISBN 3-940606-04-9 | ISBN 978-3-940606-04-4

Ghosts at the Castle!


von Peter Morris, herausgegeben von Christoph Jaffke
Materials for language teaching at Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf) Schools Here is the story of Brian and Julie, and their problems with the ghosts at the age-old castle of the McPhantoms! This book was specially written to provide a fast, entertaining and not-too-difficult read after stories like The Pancake or Silly Simon. It unites puzzles, excitement and comedy with useful, everyday language. It is beautifully complemented by eight watercolour-illustrations by Christiane Lesch, in full colour. – There are three different vocabulary sections – Thematic, Opposites and Page by Page – to suit most tastes and styles of teaching. As usual, there is a very extensive selection of exercises to choose from, offering practice with the basic question words who, what, where etc., as well as simple tense-changing (Future and Simple Past), Short Answers, Either-Or questions and – if desired – some first, easy vocabulary practice and short retellings. A List of English Irregular Verbs rounds off this useful reader, together with some notes for teachers on introducing techniques of independent work to the pupils. – For Class 5.