Doc`s Coach english von Matthias Hofer | Practical skills for clinical practice | ISBN 9783938103357

Doc`s Coach english

Practical skills for clinical practice

von Matthias Hofer
Buchcover Doc`s Coach english | Matthias Hofer | EAN 9783938103357 | ISBN 3-938103-35-3 | ISBN 978-3-938103-35-7
medical students, residents, nursery staff on ICU, Anasthesiology & OR, emergency personell

Doc`s Coach english

Practical skills for clinical practice

von Matthias Hofer
The title „Doc`s Coach“ is designed for medical students, interns and residents, as well as for paramedics and nursery personell on ICU, OR and Anaethesiology Departments. It contains detailed descriptions of over 30 medical skills: Each procedure is explained step-by-step with numerous images from the performer`s point of view: From hygienic hand disinfection over venous and arterial punction techniques to more complex procedures like the placement of chest tubes, intubation, resuscitation or endoscopic techniques. Each step is visualized by a separate image - even common pitfalls are highlighted. Additional quiz cases provide the opportunity for self-testing.