Looking into the Beyond von Karina Traxinger | A medium is talking about her experiences and delivers spiritual instructions | ISBN 9783936935707

Looking into the Beyond

A medium is talking about her experiences and delivers spiritual instructions

von Karina Traxinger
Buchcover Looking into the Beyond | Karina Traxinger | EAN 9783936935707 | ISBN 3-936935-70-X | ISBN 978-3-936935-70-7

Looking into the Beyond

A medium is talking about her experiences and delivers spiritual instructions

von Karina Traxinger
The well-known medium Karina Traxinger is able to contact deceased persons. In her third book, she tells you about her encounters with the beyond and enables people who are mourning their beloved ones insights into a life after death. She talks about messages she received from the spiritual world and explains the work of a medium. Due to her experiences, she conveys hope and confidence that death is the beginning of a new life.
For people with mediumistic powers of their own and all those who want to find out about their supernatural abilities, she provides help and assistance concerning the beyond in an easy and comprehensible way. Karina Traxinger is a very kind-hearted medium, who wants people to know more about the afterlife.