Interest Rate Smoothing and the Specification of the Taylor Rule von Imke Brüggemann | ISBN 9783935058704

Interest Rate Smoothing and the Specification of the Taylor Rule

von Imke Brüggemann und Daniel L Thornton
Autor / AutorinImke Brüggemann
Autor / AutorinDaniel L Thornton
Buchcover Interest Rate Smoothing and the Specification of the Taylor Rule | Imke Brüggemann | EAN 9783935058704 | ISBN 3-935058-70-5 | ISBN 978-3-935058-70-4

Interest Rate Smoothing and the Specification of the Taylor Rule

von Imke Brüggemann und Daniel L Thornton
Autor / AutorinImke Brüggemann
Autor / AutorinDaniel L Thornton