Staying in a Castle | Spending the night in Germany's palaces, castels, manor houses and monasteries | ISBN 9783933572349

Staying in a Castle

Spending the night in Germany's palaces, castels, manor houses and monasteries

herausgegeben von Michael Maass
Buchcover Staying in a Castle  | EAN 9783933572349 | ISBN 3-933572-34-7 | ISBN 978-3-933572-34-9

Staying in a Castle

Spending the night in Germany's palaces, castels, manor houses and monasteries

herausgegeben von Michael Maass
To spend a night in formerly elegant buildings has enjoyed increasing popularity in recent years. As a result of the reunification a great number of formerly estates, palaces and castles, mainly in the eastern part of Germany, have been devoted to hotels.
All houses presented in this book are to be find in such historical buildings. All of these hotels are run very individually and are outstanding, nevertheless which category they belong to, as they differ essentially from the usual international, replaceable kind of hotels. They have been all personally visited and chosen from the publisher. The houses are presented according to their specific style on pictures and described in personal texts. A photo-index contains additionally all useful informations to the single hotels, including their homepages.