Naturschutz, Biologie, Herpetologie
Mit 39 Beiträgen aus 16 Ländern bietet der vorliegende Band über den Moorfrosch (Rana arvalis) die umfangreichste Sammlung von Einzelbeiträgen, die bisher über eine europäische Amphibienart erschienen ist. Sie ist Teil eines Symposiums vom 11. bis 13. September 2008 in Osnabrück (Deutschland). Dabei soll der Moorfrosch als Schlüsselfaktor dienen für den Schutz von oftmals stark gefährdeten Biotoptypen wie z. B. Hochmoorränder, Auenlebensräume sowie Tümpel und Weiher in extensiv bewirtschafteten Agrarflächen. Darüber hinaus können die vorgestellten Ergebnisse auch als Basis für Schutzkonzepte von FFH-Arten herangezogen werden.
With 39 contributions from 16 countries, the present volume about the moor frog (Rana arvalis) offers the most voluminous collection pub-lished so far on a single European amphibian species. The volume is part of a symposium held between September 11 and 13 in Osnabrück 2008 (Germany). The moor frog and its’ conservation should serve as a key factor for the protection of often highly endangered habitats such as moorland edges, riverine forests as well as ponds in less intensively used agricultural areas. Furthermore, the presented data can serve as a basis for future conservation measures for species listed in the Euro-pean Fauna-Flora-Habitat directive.
With 39 contributions from 16 countries, the present volume about the moor frog (Rana arvalis) offers the most voluminous collection pub-lished so far on a single European amphibian species. The volume is part of a symposium held between September 11 and 13 in Osnabrück 2008 (Germany). The moor frog and its’ conservation should serve as a key factor for the protection of often highly endangered habitats such as moorland edges, riverine forests as well as ponds in less intensively used agricultural areas. Furthermore, the presented data can serve as a basis for future conservation measures for species listed in the Euro-pean Fauna-Flora-Habitat directive.