French brain-friendly, Basic course | Learning French brain-friendly, Computercourse Linguajet | ISBN 9783906233222

French brain-friendly, Basic course

Learning French brain-friendly, Computercourse Linguajet

Buchcover French brain-friendly, Basic course  | EAN 9783906233222 | ISBN 3-906233-22-7 | ISBN 978-3-906233-22-2

French brain-friendly, Basic course

Learning French brain-friendly, Computercourse Linguajet

It is commonly known that French people appreciate it a lot if you can speak their language. If you want to be warmly welcomed in the city of love, on the Côte d'Azur or in the region of Brittany, the Birkenbihl Approach is right for you! Shortly you will be able to communicate in this melodic language, impressing the people in France, Belgium, Luxemburg or Canada. / Topics: Greeting and introduction, the use of polite form to address somebody, differences between various languages and cultures, meaning and association of concrete words, prejudices and their influence on language, linguistic misunderstandings, relations and role models