eyes on. Monat der Fotografie Wien 2016 von Pia Draskovits | ISBN 9783902993281

eyes on. Monat der Fotografie Wien 2016

von Pia Draskovits, Vorwort von Thomas Licek und Vorwort von Michaela Obermair
Vorwort vonThomas Licek
Vorwort vonMichaela Obermair
Autor / AutorinPia Draskovits
Buchcover eyes on. Monat der Fotografie Wien 2016 | Pia Draskovits | EAN 9783902993281 | ISBN 3-902993-28-6 | ISBN 978-3-902993-28-1

eyes on. Monat der Fotografie Wien 2016

von Pia Draskovits, Vorwort von Thomas Licek und Vorwort von Michaela Obermair
Vorwort vonThomas Licek
Vorwort vonMichaela Obermair
Autor / AutorinPia Draskovits
The catalogue features a selection of exhibitions from the extensive programme organised by Eyes On – Month of Photography Vienna and to be shown in museums, galleries and off-spaces in November 2016.
This year, the programme is being presented for the first time with five focal points to its programme contents. The themes Thin Lines and Borders, Processing Photography, Flash! Boom! Bang!, This Beast Called Beauty, and Beyond Time reflect the different facets of art and documentary photography.
The volume is rounded off with an information section containing addresses and other data.