Sites of Memory and Collective Identities von Axel Borsdorf | Encounters, Explorations and Reflection on an Interdisciplinary Field Trip through the American South | ISBN 9783901182884

Sites of Memory and Collective Identities

Encounters, Explorations and Reflection on an Interdisciplinary Field Trip through the American South

von Axel Borsdorf, Michael Draxelbauer und Waldemar Zacherasiewicz
Autor / AutorinAxel Borsdorf
Autor / AutorinMichael Draxelbauer
Autor / AutorinWaldemar Zacherasiewicz
Buchcover Sites of Memory and Collective Identities | Axel Borsdorf | EAN 9783901182884 | ISBN 3-901182-88-8 | ISBN 978-3-901182-88-4

Sites of Memory and Collective Identities

Encounters, Explorations and Reflection on an Interdisciplinary Field Trip through the American South

von Axel Borsdorf, Michael Draxelbauer und Waldemar Zacherasiewicz
Autor / AutorinAxel Borsdorf
Autor / AutorinMichael Draxelbauer
Autor / AutorinWaldemar Zacherasiewicz