Limping together through the ages
Joint afflictions and bone infections
herausgegeben von Gisela Grupe, Joris Peters und George McGlynnDer Band enthält ein Autorenverzeichnis, ein Vorwort der Herausgeber und elf wissenschaftliche Beiträge. Diese gliedern sich in sieben Aufsätze zu Befunden an menschlichem und vier an tierischem Knochenmaterial. Konkret geht es um regionalbedingte Unterschiede bei Stressmarkern an drei mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Populationen aus dem Kanton Bern, den spätmittelalterlichen Friedhof des Armenhauses von Regensburg, Pathologien an Knochen des 19. / 20. Jhs. von St. Pankratius in Altdorf / Düren, eine spätmittelalterliche Dorfpopulation in Diepensee, Brandenburg, non-invasive Untersuchungsmethoden an Knochen und Mumien, archäologische und anthropologische Befunde eines Massengrabs der Schlacht von Wittstock [1636] sowie Messererfrakturen in forensischem und paläopathologischem Kontext. Die paläozoologischen Untersuchungen behandeln Knochenstruktur und Knochenfunktion an Zugtieren, die Differentialdiagnose von Gelenkpathologien an Boviden, diachrone Trends bei Pathologien der unteren Gliedmaßen an spätmittelalterlichen und nachmittelalterlichen Rindern in Großbritannien sowie einen deformierten Hühnerschädel aus Trier.
The volume contains a list of authors, a foreword by the editors and eleven scientific contributions. These are subdivided into seven papers on evidence from human bones and four from animal remains. In detail, there are discussions of regional differences of stress markers in three Medieval and early modern populations in the canton of Bern, Switzerland, the late Medieval cemetery of the poorhouse at Regensburg, Bavaria, selected pathologies on bones of the 19th / 20th century from the church cemetery of Saint Pankratius in Altdorf / Düren, North Rhine-Westphalia, a late Medieval village population at Diepensee, Brandenburg, non-invasive examination methods of ancient bone and mummies, archaeological and anthropological examinations of a mass grave from the 1636 battle at Wittstock as well as Messerer fractures in the forensic and palaeopathological context. The palaeozoological papers deal with bone structure and function in draft cattle, the differential diagnosis of arthropathy in bovids, diachronic trends in lower limb pathologies in later Medieval and post-Medieval cattle from Britain as well as a deformed fowl skull from Trier.
The volume contains a list of authors, a foreword by the editors and eleven scientific contributions. These are subdivided into seven papers on evidence from human bones and four from animal remains. In detail, there are discussions of regional differences of stress markers in three Medieval and early modern populations in the canton of Bern, Switzerland, the late Medieval cemetery of the poorhouse at Regensburg, Bavaria, selected pathologies on bones of the 19th / 20th century from the church cemetery of Saint Pankratius in Altdorf / Düren, North Rhine-Westphalia, a late Medieval village population at Diepensee, Brandenburg, non-invasive examination methods of ancient bone and mummies, archaeological and anthropological examinations of a mass grave from the 1636 battle at Wittstock as well as Messerer fractures in the forensic and palaeopathological context. The palaeozoological papers deal with bone structure and function in draft cattle, the differential diagnosis of arthropathy in bovids, diachronic trends in lower limb pathologies in later Medieval and post-Medieval cattle from Britain as well as a deformed fowl skull from Trier.