Nation-State Building Processes and Cultural Diversity | ISBN 9783884023327

Nation-State Building Processes and Cultural Diversity

herausgegeben von Jochen Blaschke
Buchcover Nation-State Building Processes and Cultural Diversity  | EAN 9783884023327 | ISBN 3-88402-332-2 | ISBN 978-3-88402-332-7

Nation-State Building Processes and Cultural Diversity

herausgegeben von Jochen Blaschke
Nation-State Building Processes and Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversities are central features of
constitutional and legal developments in
nation-states. Each state has its own tradition
of institutional legacies. Since the Second
World War, international concerns and
European regional arrangements have led to
the development of cultural diversity politics.
New features of multi-level governments are
transcending the old principles of nation-state
rule and governance. This process is still not
quite clear, but various empirical evidence
shows that we are living in a transitional
period, in which both the power of the
conventional nation-state and the politics of
cultural minorities are of rather central political