The New Form of Business Development von Mathias Scheiblich | Introducing Project Portfolio Management in SMB | ISBN 9783869249131

The New Form of Business Development

Introducing Project Portfolio Management in SMB

von Mathias Scheiblich und Steffen Burmester
Autor / AutorinMathias Scheiblich
Autor / AutorinSteffen Burmester
Buchcover The New Form of Business Development | Mathias Scheiblich | EAN 9783869249131 | ISBN 3-86924-913-7 | ISBN 978-3-86924-913-1

The New Form of Business Development

Introducing Project Portfolio Management in SMB

von Mathias Scheiblich und Steffen Burmester
Autor / AutorinMathias Scheiblich
Autor / AutorinSteffen Burmester
In many Max Average Ltds, project management is seen as a given and necessary condition for project work. For everyday project work, structured procedures as well as methods and tools are needed to achieve set goals. Due to increasing dynamisation and steady change within businesses, the number of business projects grows. With increasing frequency, strategic plans are realised in the form of strategic projects. The result is a multi project situation, where projects have to compete for tight resources. A mere consideration of the project from the viewpoint of the management does not allow for an impartial and informed decision as to which project the resources should be allocated to in order to achieve the maximum strategic gain for the business. Selecting the wrong projects binds the tight resources of a business, which leads to strategic action gaps that can lead to negative effects. To be able to make the right decisions, a project-spanning viewpoint is necessary.