Martin Pfeifle verändert unsere Umgebung mit seinen raumgebenden Skulpturen. Sei es in Ausstellungsräumen von Museen und Galerien oder im öffentlichen Raum wie auf einer Wiese in Korea, auf der einmal ein Tempel stand: Erinnerung und Abstraktion, Architektur und Spiel stehen im Zentrum seiner Arbeiten. Der Meisterschüler von Hubert Kiecol an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf erhielt bereits zahlreiche Arbeitsstipendien im In- und Ausland. Dieser Band zeigt uns die farbintensiven, dynamischen Werke der letzten zehn Jahre.
With his space-defining sculptural works, Martin Pfeifle alters our environment. Whether in the rooms of a gallery or on a meadow in Korea where a temple once stood: Memory and abstraction, architecture and play are at the centre of his work. The former master student of Hubert Kiecol at the Academy of Art in Düsseldorf has received numerous working scholarships in Germany and abroad. This volume focuses on the colourful, dynamic works of the last ten years.
With his space-defining sculptural works, Martin Pfeifle alters our environment. Whether in the rooms of a gallery or on a meadow in Korea where a temple once stood: Memory and abstraction, architecture and play are at the centre of his work. The former master student of Hubert Kiecol at the Academy of Art in Düsseldorf has received numerous working scholarships in Germany and abroad. This volume focuses on the colourful, dynamic works of the last ten years.