Exchange Rate Bands of Inaction and Play-Hysteresis in German Exports – Sectoral Evidence for Some OECD Destinations von Ansgar Belke | ISBN 9783867883764

Exchange Rate Bands of Inaction and Play-Hysteresis in German Exports – Sectoral Evidence for Some OECD Destinations

von Ansgar Belke, Matthias Göcke und Martin Guenther
Autor / AutorinAnsgar Belke
Autor / AutorinMatthias Göcke
Autor / AutorinMartin Guenther
Buchcover Exchange Rate Bands of Inaction and Play-Hysteresis in German Exports – Sectoral Evidence for Some OECD Destinations | Ansgar Belke | EAN 9783867883764 | ISBN 3-86788-376-9 | ISBN 978-3-86788-376-4

Exchange Rate Bands of Inaction and Play-Hysteresis in German Exports – Sectoral Evidence for Some OECD Destinations

von Ansgar Belke, Matthias Göcke und Martin Guenther
Autor / AutorinAnsgar Belke
Autor / AutorinMatthias Göcke
Autor / AutorinMartin Guenther