Identifying the Rebound von Manuel Frondel | Evidence from a German Household Panel | ISBN 9783867880282

Identifying the Rebound

Evidence from a German Household Panel

von Manuel Frondel, Jörg Peters und Colin Vance
Autor / AutorinManuel Frondel
Autor / AutorinJörg Peters
Autor / AutorinColin Vance
Buchcover Identifying the Rebound | Manuel Frondel | EAN 9783867880282 | ISBN 3-86788-028-X | ISBN 978-3-86788-028-2

Identifying the Rebound

Evidence from a German Household Panel

von Manuel Frondel, Jörg Peters und Colin Vance
Autor / AutorinManuel Frondel
Autor / AutorinJörg Peters
Autor / AutorinColin Vance