After 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 White players often play 3. Nc3 allowing the Nimzo-
Indian Defence. But what happens if White plays the just as natural 3. Nf3?
On this DVD IM Jacob Aagaard follows up on his DVD on the Nimzo to by
giving a recommendation based on his own repertoire with the Queen’s
Indian Defence: 3…b6.
This system is a favourite of Adams, Anand, Leko, Polgar and many others
of today’s chess stars. It is well known for mixing active and natural play
with positional soundness. Running time: 3 h 49 min.
Indian Defence. But what happens if White plays the just as natural 3. Nf3?
On this DVD IM Jacob Aagaard follows up on his DVD on the Nimzo to by
giving a recommendation based on his own repertoire with the Queen’s
Indian Defence: 3…b6.
This system is a favourite of Adams, Anand, Leko, Polgar and many others
of today’s chess stars. It is well known for mixing active and natural play
with positional soundness. Running time: 3 h 49 min.