Wozu Literatur(-wissenschaft)?
Methoden, Funktionen, Perspektiven
herausgegeben von Andreas Haarmann und Cora RokDer vorliegende Band widmet sich in drei Sektionen den Fragen nach Sinn und Zweck der Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft und bietet Einblicke in die Praxis literaturwissenschaftlichen Arbeitens. Die Geschwindigkeit, in der sich technischer Wandel mittlerweile vollzieht, lässt das alte Medium Literatur zunehmend überholt erscheinen: In Zeiten von Tablets und »digitalen Klassenzimmern« droht nicht mehr nur »Entauratisierung«, sondern der völlige Bedeutungsverlust von Literatur und der Beschäftigung mit ihr. In diesem Band unternehmen namhafte Vertreterinnen und Vertreter ganz unterschiedlicher Forschungstraditionen den Versuch, wieder in Erinnerung zu rufen, was Literatur zu leisten imstande ist und warum es eines professionalisierten Umgangs mit ihr bedarf.
The present volume focuses in three parts on the question of sense and meaning of literature and literature studies and gives insights in the work of literature studies. The speed in which technical changes are implemented has rendered the old medium literature more and more obsolete. In times of tablets and “digital classrooms” we are not only threatened by a “demystification”, but also by the fact that literature becomes absolutely meaningless. In this volume important scholars of various study fields demonstrate what literature is able to offer and why a professionalised approach is needed.
The present volume focuses in three parts on the question of sense and meaning of literature and literature studies and gives insights in the work of literature studies. The speed in which technical changes are implemented has rendered the old medium literature more and more obsolete. In times of tablets and “digital classrooms” we are not only threatened by a “demystification”, but also by the fact that literature becomes absolutely meaningless. In this volume important scholars of various study fields demonstrate what literature is able to offer and why a professionalised approach is needed.