Urban Nomads Building Shanghai von Ulrike Bronner | Migrant Workers and the Construction Process | ISBN 9783837633443

Urban Nomads Building Shanghai

Migrant Workers and the Construction Process

von Ulrike Bronner und Clarissa Reikersdorfer
Autor / AutorinUlrike Bronner
Autor / AutorinClarissa Reikersdorfer
Buchcover Urban Nomads Building Shanghai | Ulrike Bronner | EAN 9783837633443 | ISBN 3-8376-3344-6 | ISBN 978-3-8376-3344-3

Besprochen in:

Asia Bridge, 10 (2016)

Urban Nomads Building Shanghai

Migrant Workers and the Construction Process

von Ulrike Bronner und Clarissa Reikersdorfer
Autor / AutorinUlrike Bronner
Autor / AutorinClarissa Reikersdorfer
This book takes a close look at the interrelated phenomena of international business migrants and rural migrant workers in Shanghai. Through separate case studies it observes them in parallel and sheds light on the spatial implications of both groups' migrant status. The authors' uncovering of harsh and inadequate living and working conditions affecting rural migrant workers in the construction industry in Shanghai leads to the development of a concept of »Fair Building«, a socially-conscious architecture that calls for accountability in ensuring that stakeholders involved in the construction process contribute to a sustainable urbanization.