Together we'll make it! von Sabine Sabine Schepp | 20 families and friends of people with multiple sclerosis tell their stories | ISBN 9783830434795

Together we'll make it!

20 families and friends of people with multiple sclerosis tell their stories

von Sabine Sabine Schepp
Buchcover Together we'll make it! | Sabine Sabine Schepp | EAN 9783830434795 | ISBN 3-8304-3479-0 | ISBN 978-3-8304-3479-5

Together we'll make it!

20 families and friends of people with multiple sclerosis tell their stories

von Sabine Sabine Schepp
A disease with many faces
Are you co-affected? MS is a disease, which does not only have impact on those taken ill but also on their families, friends, work associates and acquaintances. Unfortunately the latter are often left on their own.
The way we mangage it Interviews with families and other companionships in Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Spain, invites you to rediscover yourself in the faces of others. These firsthand reports reflect not only the different facets of living with MS but more important many practical advices for living with.
Inspiration for new ways of helping yourself Sections dealing with guidance and help for relatives, partnerships, understanding one another, children as relatives, self-confidence, families of young people with MS, differences in culture and living with changes provide practical guidance as well as expert information from interviews and publications by professionals. These sections round out the picture of the disease with many faces.
This book will give you guidance for your own life and the inspiration to seek and find new ways to live your life in such a way as to be as unhampered by the disease as possible.