Violin Basics (English Edition) von Christine Galka | The elementary course for the Violin | ISBN 9783802406751

Violin Basics (English Edition)

The elementary course for the Violin

von Christine Galka
Buchcover Violin Basics (English Edition) | Christine Galka | EAN 9783802406751 | ISBN 3-8024-0675-3 | ISBN 978-3-8024-0675-1

Violin Basics (English Edition)

The elementary course for the Violin

von Christine Galka
The ideal way of getting into playing the violin!
This violin method provides the beginning as well as the advanced violinist with the main step-by-step information on playing the violin. Many photos show the correct way of holding the violin and bow.
Musical notation and music theory are explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
The well-chosen musical pieces teayh the basics of playing the violin from the very first notes to well-known pieces. Fingering diagrams and scales help the student to quickly feel at home on the violin.
The encluded CD contains all songs wirh accompaniment.
Practicing with a jazz trio is a lot of fun and will pep up your playing.