Tom Hegen | Salt Works | ISBN 9783775754033

Tom Hegen

Salt Works

herausgegeben von Nadine Barth
Herausgegeben vonNadine Barth
Künstler / KünstlerinTom Hegen
Bildbeschreibung vonAnnalena Erhardt
Bildbeschreibung vonTom Hegen
Bildbeschreibung vonMark Kurlansky
Bildbeschreibung vonSabine Schwarzfischer
Designed vonTom Hegen
Buchcover Tom Hegen  | EAN 9783775754033 | ISBN 3-7757-5403-2 | ISBN 978-3-7757-5403-3
Innenansicht 1
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

Tom Hegen

Salt Works

herausgegeben von Nadine Barth
Herausgegeben vonNadine Barth
Künstler / KünstlerinTom Hegen
Bildbeschreibung vonAnnalena Erhardt
Bildbeschreibung vonTom Hegen
Bildbeschreibung vonMark Kurlansky
Bildbeschreibung vonSabine Schwarzfischer
Designed vonTom Hegen

Salt’s ionic lattices are one of the central elements of organic life. But even though the extraction of sea salt is one of the oldest forms of human landscaping, we rarely ask where salt comes from and how it is produced. Sea salt production sites are found all over the world, usually located around shallow shorelines. Tom Hegen has explored these magical landscapes from the air and obtained spectacular images in the process. This gorgeously illustrated book shows how the landscape has been shaped by salt mining and how the mining process has created structures that take on an almost painterly, abstract quality in Hegen's photographs. Salt Works is a study of color and geometry, an ode to beauty of the everyday.

TOM HEGEN (*1991, Augsburg) is one of the most high-profile aerial photographers of our time. In his works, the Augsburg-based photographer documents the traces that man leaves on the earth’s surface. He has received several awards, most recently the Red Dot Design Award (2021) and the German Design Award (2019).