Death and Memory von Tibor-Tamás Daróczi | A study of the funerary landscapes of the Eastern Carpathian Basin from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age | ISBN 9783774937871

Death and Memory

A study of the funerary landscapes of the Eastern Carpathian Basin from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age

von Tibor-Tamás Daróczi
Buchcover Death and Memory | Tibor-Tamás Daróczi | EAN 9783774937871 | ISBN 3-7749-3787-7 | ISBN 978-3-7749-3787-1

Death and Memory

A study of the funerary landscapes of the Eastern Carpathian Basin from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age

von Tibor-Tamás Daróczi
85 Abb., 9 Taf., 53 Ktn