Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications von Marian Slodicka | ISBN 9783764360412

Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications

von Marian Slodicka, Horst H. Gerke, Urs Hornung, Youcef Kelanemer und Stephan Schumacher
Autor / AutorinMarian Slodicka
Autor / AutorinHorst H. Gerke
Autor / AutorinUrs Hornung
Autor / AutorinYoucef Kelanemer
Autor / AutorinStephan Schumacher
Buchcover Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications | Marian Slodicka | EAN 9783764360412 | ISBN 3-7643-6041-0 | ISBN 978-3-7643-6041-2

Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications

von Marian Slodicka, Horst H. Gerke, Urs Hornung, Youcef Kelanemer und Stephan Schumacher
Autor / AutorinMarian Slodicka
Autor / AutorinHorst H. Gerke
Autor / AutorinUrs Hornung
Autor / AutorinYoucef Kelanemer
Autor / AutorinStephan Schumacher


  • 1 Introduction.
  • 1.1 Background and Problem.
  • 1.2 Objectives.
  • 2 Modeling Soil Venting.
  • 2.1 Physical Basis of the Venting Technique.
  • 2.2 Simulation Models.
  • 3 Stationary Problem and Optimal Control.
  • 3.1 Basic and State Equations, Objective Function.
  • 3.2 Mathematical Analysis, Simplifications.
  • 4 Well-Posedness and Optimality.
  • 4.1 Air Flow in a Domain with Holes.
  • 4.2 Air Flow with Dirac-Type Sinks.
  • 4.3 Non-smooth Transmissivity at Active Wells.
  • 4.4 Contaminant Transport in a Domain with Holes.
  • 4.5 Differentiation of the Transport Equations.
  • 5 Optimization of Simple Well Configurations.
  • 5.1 One Single Active Well.
  • 5.2 Two Active Wells.
  • 5.3 Configurations with a Few Wells.
  • 6 Estimating the Coefficients.
  • 6.1 Pedotransfer Model.
  • 6.2 Spatial Variability and Uncertainties.
  • 6.3 Ordinary Kriging.
  • 6.4 Generation of a Random Field.
  • 6.5 Parameter Identification of Kertess.
  • 7 Numerical Methods and Optimization.
  • 7.1 Gas Flow Field.
  • 8 Applications.
  • 8.1 Kertess.
  • 8.2 Kirchweyhe.
  • 9 Stochastic Optimization.
  • 9.1 Monte Carlo Optimization.
  • 9.2 Sensitivity Analysis.
  • 10 Discussions and Conclusions.
  • 10.1 Time Dependent Problem.
  • 10.2 Optimization of Well Positions in Large Scale Applications.
  • 10.3 Further Aspects of Stochastic Optimization.